Human Portrait on Wood - 3 Persons by Abie Diola
If a portrait paints a thousand words, then let our local artists do it for you! Be it your signature Mona Lisa pose, one with your adorable furry fam, or the most special people in your life, you’ll get a Wooden Canvas print that will shine bright on your wall.
This custom portrait printed directly on wood is the perfect way to remember a terrific trio of best people in your life. Let Abie's artwork style bring you and your loved ones to life on a Wooden Canvas print.
You may indicate your preferred background color. Additional charges may apply for special instructions like custom background.
What You Will Get
- A digital copy of your portrait sent via email
- A Wooden Canvas print in the size you select
Feature | Details |
Print size | As selected |
Wood type | Locally sourced, lead-free |
Print technology | Solvent-free and water-resistant UV printing |
Due to the handmade nature of our wood products, please allow 1-5mm differences in measurements.
Artist availability: 2 weeks
Order processing for prints take an additional 4-10 days, depending on when we receive the final print file and payment. We ship out orders every week on Thursdays and Fridays, with an order cutoff of Sunday evenings to ensure quality and print fastness.
Please allow extra time for shipping and delivery. Pickups available within store hours.
Disclaimer: Wooden Canvas is not liable for any delay caused by the artist.